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couple-proposal2We all hope to be part of unique and memorable marriage proposal. This is one of the most significant moments in the lives of couple in a relationship.

Think carefully about what will make your future life partner the happiest and something she will never forget. The following marriage proposal ideas are might not be right for you but they hopefully will stimulate your creative thinking. Only you know your relationship and what is going to be right for you and the love of your life.

Because it is such an important event, it deserves all the planning and preparation you can provide to make it a moment your beloved will never forget.

Planning Overview

A successful marriage proposal requires some planning so the first step is to think through all the key steps necessary to achieve the result you want.

  1. Find the right person.
  2. Fall in love.
  3. Know enough about your future in-laws to know if you should ask permission from them first.
  4. Know enough about your beloved so you can create a meaningful experience
  5. Decide if you are going to purchase the ring before or after you propose.
  6. Stay within your budget or financial capability.
  7. Pay attention to timing. Don’t plan on proposing when he or she is stressed or overwhelmed.
  8. Pick a memorable place, song, or occasion such as where you first met, or first kissed, etc.
  9. Set a romantic tone.
  10. Keep it fun.
  11. Keep it simple.
  12. If you are thinking of tying the ring to the end of a kite string or fishing line be certain that your intended has a great sense of humor and that you know how to tie a good knot! Don’t lose the ring if you’ve purchased one.
  13. Be prepared to have your best-laid plans fall apart.

Marriage Proposal Ideas

Rent a limousine for the evening and be inside when they pick her up at home or work. Take her to an elegant restaurant for a romantic candlelight dinner for two. Then present her the diamond on the way home in the limo.

If you both like sports, arrange to have your “Will you marry me?” message displayed on the scoreboard after halftime at a college or professional sporting event. Be sure to have your ring ready in a presentation box.

If she has deep ties with her family: Make up a special Christmas or birthday present when she will be traveling alone to see the family without you and send it with her as a gift to open with her family on the big day. Place the diamond in a presentation box between two plush velvet pillows into a gift box. Type your proposal on parchment paper and pin it to a pillow next to the diamond, and wrap it all as a gift. Be near a phone during the day when she will open the present.

If your partner loves a little mystery, deliver a letter to her with a bouquet of flowers. Let the letter serve as the first clue to a treasure hunt. At the end of the hunt she’ll find you, on your knees, holding the ring.

Arrange for a day at a private beach together, building sand castles or digging for shells. On the night before, write a love poem on a piece of parchment paper, roll it into an antique bottle with a cork, and bury it in a well marked spot in the sand near your diggings. Be sure you “find” the bottle as you dig together. Open and read the poem, then present the diamond from your pocket and ask her for her hand in marriage.

For skilled scuba divers and snorklers: Arrange a special dive with a few of your best friends. At the end of the dive or in an especially beautiful area, write, “Will you marry me?” on your diver’s slate and show her. When she nods in agreement, slip an inexpensive expandable ring on her finger. When you go topside, have the real diamond ready nearby.

Set a date to go to the movies. Then rent ad space for your proposal at your favorite theater. Make sure you have the diamond with you.

For a very traditional approach, ask her father for her hand in marriage. When the approval is given, make plans for the next family gathering and make your proposal to her in private with diamond in hand. When she says yes, stand up and announce your engagement to everyone.

Cook or cater (if you are not talented in the kitchen) a quiet romantic dinner for two at home. Set an elaborate candlelight table, serve her a glass of champagne and have a the diamond ring tied with a ribbon to the stem.

During a special evening, present your love with three roses: Tell her one represents the past, one represents the present and the last one (with the ring tied to it) represents the future.

Have a plane sky-write your proposal. Plan it for the day of a family picnic, boat ride or other outing so she is sure to see it. Have your loose diamond ready when she sees your proposal.